Tag Archives: Cups

Six of Cups

We got a second chance. If we examined our past, realized our mistake and corrected it then we will succeed. Otherwise, we will find ourselves repeating past mistakes and getting nowhere.

Six of CupsWe get a second chance to confront an event from our past. The same situation, person or test repeat themselves. The big question is whether we learned from our previous mistakes. If we understood the lesson and applied the required corrections then the reincarnation of the past will be good for us, otherwise we are bound to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

For example, we failed an exam but now get a chance to re-take it. If we do not prepare we will fail again. But if we understood where we went wrong and put in the effort we will succeed.

Areas of particular relevance: Kids, living with one’s folks, fond memories, figures from our past, an ex who suddenly shows up in our life, an affair with our ex.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships An opportunity to fix what did not work before, a good time to reach out and overcome differences, a past relationship reappears and develops into something meaningful We tend to escape reality without solving the problems we face, unsolved problems from our past come back to haunt us –especially our ex
Career A good time to examine things, analyze and strengthen the foundation, self-criticism that leads to improvements, deals or business opportunities materialize after we lost hope We find it hard to change and accept change, inefficient time management, stagnation opportunities materialize after we lost hope





Five of Cups

The doubts we experienced had turned out into unfounded feelings of despair which, in turn, lead to miscommunication. If we continue this trend our doubts will turn into a destructive, self-fulfilling prophecy.

Five of CupsThe Five of Cups indicates that as a result of the doubts that found their way into our heart in Four of Cups, we feel desperate, pessimistic and can only see the half-empty part of the glass. Our reactions are proportional to the situation and are based on groundless, unverified assumptions.

Our despair causes us to withdraw from reality and hide inside ourselves. We start to develop a depression and exhibit lack of interest in life. If we continue to act this way our environment will respond accordingly and eventually we will really find ourselves feeling desperate for a good reason.

It is important to understand that our despair is unfounded and that the situation is better than it seems. We must stop the destructive chain of events we found ourselves in via better communication with our environment and react to the situation at hand.

Areas of particular relevance: Depression, lack of trust, despair, separation, negative self-fulfilling prophesy lack of trust in employees or management.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships Everything is ok –we simply need to better communicate and be optimistic Despair, inability to see a positive future, desperation, sadness, handling ourselves wrongly, miscommunication, lack of trust
Career It is important to remember that not all is bad, we need to focus on our victories and not stop the momentum Fears and doubts that delay action, excessive dealings with the past, focus on difficulties, inability to see a bright future, lack of trust in employees or management



Four of Cups

We experience doubts that do not allow us to see the reality of the situation -which is in actuality quite positive. We must get down to the source of our doubts and confront the facts.

Four of CupsIn the Four of Cups we get “poisoned” and consequently experience fears and doubts. We have lost faith in the on-going process and we feel that the celebration, as was indicated by Three of Cups, is over.

But it is important to understand that our feelings are wrong and so is our twisted perception of reality. We do not see the truth, worry for no reason and are stuck within a wrong view of the world.

To move forward we must get to the bottom of things. We need to understand the source of our doubts while confronting our fears. If we overcome our doubts and do not give in to gossip, rumors, and fears, we will be able to discover the truth and experience reality as it truly is: a lot better than what we believe.

Areas of particular relevance: Fear of abandonment, boredom and inactivity, bad advice, poisonous gossip, loneliness, depression, need for psychological/emotional treatment.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships Although it might seem to the contrary, in practice both sides are looking for emotional stability and love We are full of doubts, have no faith, feel pessimistic and worrisome, we find it hard to get enthusiastic and enjoy ourselves like we used to
Career There is a possibility to advance to the next level but first we need to overcome our fears and doubts It is hard for us to see the situation as it truly is, inefficient employees and consultants, feeling of boredom, being driven by fears and doubts


Three of Cups

We worked hard and succeeded. Now it is crucial that we take the time to celebrate so we do not stop the flow of abundance.

Three of CupsAfter we had completed a long process, worked hard, or persistently courted an idea, our faith and devotion to the cause has finally paid off. We have reached a milestone of success and basically got verification that all is well. In this card the flow is renewed and we sense what it was that we missed before. Now we can breathe a sigh of relief and start celebrating our success. Although we still have a long way to go we have reached an important milestone that has to be acknowledged and celebrated.

The Three of Cups emphasizes that we need to be joyful as it is an important part of our relationship with the universe. If we do not celebrate we will stop receiving the abundance we seek. Sometimes when we find a new job, a new mate or get good news, we are reluctant to make it public so we do not jinx it. This card calls upon us to get our emotions out into the open, to celebrate and share the good news since it is a very important to our ability to connect to the plenty in life.

Areas of particular relevance:Celebrations, having fun, enjoying the pleasures of life, flirtations, promotion –especially in big firms and institutions, the addition of a new child to the family.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships Happiness, enjoyment, love, be loved Lack of trust (although in reality all is well)
Career Successful ventures and partnerships, abundance and prosperity that attracts more abundance, successful self promotion Tendency to be dazzled by success and act without thinking



Three of pentacles

We are confident in our position in life, a perception which is shared by people in our immediate surroundings, such as employer, family and friends who reward us accordingly.

Three of pentaclesThe Three of Coins is a joyous card which indicates a true cause for a celebration. We receive both an acknowledgement for our hard-gained skills, as well as tangible compensation in the form of a monetary prize or some other benefit.

After discovering our needs, becoming a professional and learning how to enjoy our occupation, we can build ourselves a solid foundation in life. Thanks to our talent, focus and persistence we are now prospering and enjoying the abundance life has to offer.

The Three of Coins is a blessing for relationships: like the Three of Wands it indicates the understanding and acceptance of the other party as the “one” for us.  But the Three of Coins indicates taking a step further such as moving-in together, tying the knot, or having children.

Areas of particular relevance: financial growth, promotion, acknowledgement of skills and talent.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships Acknowledging the success of the relationship and moving on to the next stage ________
Career Promotion, recognition and positive evaluation of our skills and talent, monetary gain, financial growth ________


Two of Cups

We must stop being passive, get to the bottom of things and initiate action that will lead to the desired results.

Two of CupsIn Two of Cups, very much in line with all the Two cards, we are “stuck” and need to find a way to move forward. The solution is simple: we have to initiate action! The card calls upon us to investigate and understand the issue at hand so we can be a few steps ahead of the other party. This advantage will lead to a situation in which we become a proactive suitor calling upon the other party while having initiative and advantage on our side. A proactive suitor, for example, can be a job seeker who is interviewing the employer -checking whether there is a match, versus a passive interviewee who simply answers questions and follow the standard procedure.

The Two of Cups emphasizes the idea that to achieve something we need to court it, express our feelings and act accordingly. We need to remember that our natural tendency is to wait for things to happen on their own. However, in order to succeed we must act with a strong conviction in our ability to change the current situation.

Areas of particular relevance: Love, relationships, running into unexpected people, romance in the workplace, a situation in which we are being scrutinized and tested.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships The more we initiate and act the more we succeed, the card represents love and supports any love-related subjects We tend to wait for the other side to act, we are passive and lack ambition
Career Mutual trust, successful partnerships, the card calls us to act –if we act we will succeed Complacency, lack of ambition, tendency to be passive



Ace of Cups

Suddenly, but after we underwent a process in which we had realized that we deserve abundance in our lives, the obstacles disappear and we achieve our goal.

Ace of CupsThe Ace of Cups represents faith, the ability to receive and enjoy abundance and prosperity, as well as accepting and embracing change. The appearance of the card indicates that previously the issue at hand was stuck without progress but the entrance of a new energy removes the obstacles and allows us to move forward in the desired direction.

Although seemingly the card indicates that we are passive, in reality a big change has began or is about to begin in our lives: we start to believe and change our point of view regarding the world around us. In the past we were cynical and saw only the negative side of things, but faith made us see and embrace all the goodness the world has to offer.

It is important to understand that since our newly found faith is the cause of the desire change in our lives we must not doubt our new approach. The more we believe the faster we will experience the desired results. We need to open our heart, leave our past behind and simply let life lead us in the right direction.

Areas of particular relevance: Abundance, problems that fix themselves , falling in love, finding love, original and unusual solutions, becoming newly religious.

Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships Readiness for a relationship, emotional maturity and the ability to give and receive love, new beginnings, renewal or enhancement of a relationship, a belief we deserve to love and be loved ______
Career New opportunities, unexpected success, job satisfaction, abundance, wealth and success ______


Knight of Cups

The Daydreamer

Knight of CupsWe are waiting for our fantasy to come true. Surprisingly, it might actually happen but precisely when it does we will withdraw ourselves from the process.

Correction: We need to be ready for the option that our dream might come true and give it a fair chance to materialize. Once we do, we will see it is right for us.

The Knight of Coins indicates that we are too passive regarding the subject at hand and are waiting for something to happen. We are waiting for the knight in the shining armor, the savior –the one who will overcome all the obstacles and create the big change in our lives.

Surprisingly, the card indicates that something will indeed happen to mitigate our difficulties. But we will not be ready for it to happen and when the help does arrive we will tend to dismiss and even resist it. All we have to do is continue believing and allow the process to happen – at the end of which the Knight will turn into an Ace (of cups).

Areas of particular relevance: Relationships, falling in love, fantasy.

  Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships An opportunity will present itself, the card bears direct correlation to relationships We are passive, do not react correctly and find it hard to show emotions
Career We have good luck and strong intuition We lack motivation, do not focus on the goal, we are passive and work too hard


Please note again that a court card cannot provide a definite answer


Page of Cups

The Artist

page of cupsWe are motivated by a need to express our complex internal world –a world which is very emotional. We tend to daydream and are not practical.  We don’t manage to implement our creativity in everyday life.

Correction: we need to express ourselves via some sort of creative work. We must face our limitations in daily life and find someone who can take care of it for us.

The Page of Cups represents a state of mind in which we are optimistic and believe that things will work out by themselves, but it never happens. We need to be more practical and get in touch with the realistic side of life.

Most importantly, we need to communicate to our environment what we think and how we feel -otherwise no one will understand us. The card calls upon us to find the bridge between our internal and external worlds. We must be involved with areas such as drawing, cooking or anything creative that can help us express ourselves and bring our life back into balance.

Areas of particular relevance: Mysticism, art, alternative medicine, therapist/patient.

  Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships We fall in love easily, are emotional and communicate well on the physical, non-verbal level We do not express ourselves well, we don’t convey our emotions and find it hard to understand what blocks them
Career N/A We are unfocused and find it hard to deal with tasks, goals and deadlines


Please note again that a court card cannot provide a definite answer


King of Cups

The Deprived

King of CupsWe are motivated by a strong need for emotional stability. We feel that others do not care about us and that we are not being loved. We therefore surround ourselves with the known and the familiar –those surroundings or people who will not hurt us. Consequently we find it hard to function in other surroundings or circumstances.

Correction: We need to think more of our career and personal fulfillment.

The king of Wands represents a state of mind in which we strive for stability at all costs. We do everything we can to get stability in our homes, in our relationships, in our workplace, etc.

We need to check why do we do things: are we acting out of fear to lose something we care about? Are we trying to pacify others so we get loved in return? If the answer is positive, it is time we adapt a much healthier approach to life, an approach in which we focus more on our goals and personal fulfillment.

Areas of particular relevance: Mother and motherhood, family, home.

  Supportive Obtrusive
Relationships We are starting to aspire for a relationship and intimacy We are easily offended, we are so afraid to lose the other side that we consequently suffocate them
Career N/A We tend to be lazy, lack motivation, do not plan well, act slowly


Please note again that a court card cannot provide a definite answer
